There are days where you dont want to talk, but write..

Mainly written in two lingos (Bahasa & English).

Ps. my apologies if there is any spelling or grammatical error.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Live High!

Got screwed by a guy or a girl?

Come on! I know you could do something better than just to sit there and cry yourself to sleep! :)

Take a look in the mirror!
You will see someone with a real talent, beautiful, deserves someone better, is in there. YEAH. That is you.

So, why do you even have to think twice? Go out, sign up to various activities out there! Could be Salsa/Painting/Cooking/Karate or..any other class. You name it.

Time will not wait for you to feel better or feel greatly relief. It flies. Unfortunately, you will never get it back once it flies. So, chop chop, stop crying! and start making new plans for your life.

Be grateful for who you are right now, coz many people out there are much more unfortunate than you are.
Have you read todays news? Those children who are living under the poverty line, those girls who got raped by their own father and many more terrible things (which I believe you would regret for feeling doom & gloom just because someone cheated on you and such).

I wish you the best.

Have a perfect day! :)


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