There are days where you dont want to talk, but write..

Mainly written in two lingos (Bahasa & English).

Ps. my apologies if there is any spelling or grammatical error.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

travel to learn | learn to travel

Key learnings of the day :

1. Be open to new ideas.
Listen thoroughly then make comments. Not the other way around.

2. Love doesn't ask why, baby.
If someone gives you love, accept it be grateful. You don't need to question everything in this life.

3. Parents love their children and more likely will do anything----a n y t h i n g---- to make them happy. why so difficult to please them by simply listening instead of being so self centered and act "I'll only do things that I like".

❤let's make the earth happier, by throwing the litter into the bin :)


Wednesday, February 6, 2013

blessings in disguise

Just like these cactuses, 3 different shapes and they are there next to each other.

In real life, Allah could give many "shapes" of bad or unfavorable times in the journey of meeting the right one -- but when you put the whole trust on Him, it's never be too hard for Him to let you meet your other half with the unimaginable "shapes" and be next to each other till the destined time. Or we might know it as..."forever".


a sexy analyzer

here are my thoughts.

I think I better share them with you, since it might be valuable. Better than I sleep on them and they get lost in my dream.

So this early morning, I decided to be an analyzer. A sexy analyzer that is. 😍 :p

Some questions that I keep on asking to myself, and might be good if you ask this to yourself too..
Perhaps 😎

1. Why do I want to get married ?

2. Why do I decide to do ta'aruf instead of being in a common relationship ?

3. Why is getting married becoming important to me right now?

4. When I said I wanna get married, have I already had the right beings? Especially to my Creator and my parents..
*rings a bell? Yes! Correct it is the Be-Do-Have magic formula*

5. When I decided to do ta'aruf let I know the consequences? Do I really have a clear intention in doing this? Or do I just do it---for fun?

6. When I'm not ready to leave the common relationship and choose taaruf instead, do I know what am I trying to contribute to other people?

7. When I said I'm confuse with what to decide, do I realize what sort of game I'm playing at that time and again does it has something to do with other people?

Ok now really is time to sleep.
And for those of you who are doing a beautiful process called taaruf.
Be 100% on the journey!

Don't take a golden chance for granted. Cause next ones might only be silver or bronze? Who knows..

Alhamdulillah thank you Allah..

Because of You, I put aside my ego and decided to be committed as well as forgiving at the same time.



ps. wake me up for qiyamul lail, would ya ❤

an extraordinaire kind of love.

my 2 cents.

It's very easy to find a guy who's in love with a girl and become so deeply in love that although he isn't a superman, he would do anything to impress that girl.


I wouldn't say it ain't easy to find a guy who's in love with a girl, and he's even much more in love with his Creator.
*I call him Allah. You can call it God, or you name it.*

And I personally would be impressed by this kind of guy.

I didn't say this kind of guy didn't exist anymore, it's just that, they are not many.

this is my morning dua, for myself and for the ladies out there who read my writing.

May Allah grants us a guy, an imam who loves Allah more than us, and eventually he loves us because of Allah.

Amin Ya Rahmaan.

I am surrounded by such a huge love in my life, and I know it's because of You, Ya Fattaah.

*i originally wrote this on Path*