There are days where you dont want to talk, but write..

Mainly written in two lingos (Bahasa & English).

Ps. my apologies if there is any spelling or grammatical error.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Is that what a girl really wants?

Mellow Hellow!
3:21AM AEST.
But all I could think of is writing.

My best friend shared me her story about a guy who is currently dating another girl. To cut it short, my best friend is so into him. She told him how she feels about him. And the idea of telling him did not turn out to be a great one.

What else could make a good night turns out into a bad night. Except, realising that the person you love does not love you back, or, the person you love has changed into someone you do not want him to be, in this case.

It hurts of course.

I told her to sleep on it, do not think about anything for tonight. Full stop. But bestie, by the time you read this post, you should be smiling widely, knowing the reason behind my command.

The more I heard about someone else's stories, problems, etc. The more I am aware of how stubborn I am, how selfish I am.

Up until this moment of time, I am still expecting someone to be the same person as he was 6 years ago, which is impossible.
I always think, although we cant be together anymore, but, at least what I feel for him has not changed at all, therefore I am hoping him to be at the same stage as I am. But HELLOOOO!! Everybody is changing. And without him telling me, I could smell he is into someone else at the moment. That might be the reason why he has changed orrr, maybe because I told him that I am seeing someone at the moment.


See, how selfishly idiot I am. Deep down in my heart, I am still hoping, thing will go back to where it was 6 years ago.
But, having listened to my bestie's story, made me realised that, I really should stop expecting the impossible thing to happen. Coz, If I dont, I would not be any smarter than a donkey could be. - -"

Just concentrate with my current life. Wish him a happy life. Those are actually better to do.

You, if you read this, I just want you to know that, yes, I am jealous knowing that you are currently with / close with someone else. However, my jealousy would not go any longer than the time you spent to read my post (hopefully) :p

I am wishing you the best. For everything.

As for the girl, whoever she is. Please note, this guy is one of a kind. Do not take him for granted. Really should tell you that you are a lucky one. Must be a special girl chosen by a special guy.

Lastly. I miss talking to you.
I remember I told you about this although you were too hesitate to say anything. You said you were afraid. That is perfectly understandable to me. Actually, I was lying to you that day. I miss everything about you.

Something that is unspoken and will remain unspoken for a while.
Till I see you again.


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