my 2 cents.
It's very easy to find a guy who's in love with a girl and become so deeply in love that although he isn't a superman, he would do anything to impress that girl.
I wouldn't say it ain't easy to find a guy who's in love with a girl, and he's even much more in love with his Creator.
*I call him Allah. You can call it God, or you name it.*
And I personally would be impressed by this kind of guy.
I didn't say this kind of guy didn't exist anymore, it's just that, they are not many.
this is my morning dua, for myself and for the ladies out there who read my writing.
May Allah grants us a guy, an imam who loves Allah more than us, and eventually he loves us because of Allah.
Amin Ya Rahmaan.
I am surrounded by such a huge love in my life, and I know it's because of You, Ya Fattaah.
*i originally wrote this on Path*
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