There are days where you dont want to talk, but write..

Mainly written in two lingos (Bahasa & English).

Ps. my apologies if there is any spelling or grammatical error.

Monday, October 15, 2012

I am home again!

It feels like I haven't written on this blog for ages..

I did tweet regularly, however, stop writing on my own free space a.k.a blog really is something I miss the most.

Thank to one of my P.I.C Septia Redisa, who writes her blog more constantly than I do your writings have successfully given me those silent-kickin' effect into myself and I really did move my lazy butt to finally sit still and do 'stop-feel-write'.

greeeeat to be "home" again. : )

What it means is simply to be able to move my lazy B and to write again, together with my mind, my soul *try to hold myself not to dance* and expressing what I want to express freelyyyyy without worrying to be judged, liked or hated.

Hello you! hope this new post of mine finds you well.

A great health, wealth, happiness and surely love for each and everyone of you who finds this post.

A lil re-cap about what happened since my last post.

1. I found great new friends and we become like sisters now.
hello @dienadiedy @windyariestanty @c_marielle, @evydursmith, @septiaredisa, @siskaMOchika, @keishasellang...

2. I met a nice guy, we dated for months and we became friends again..*boo* nah! the sorrow momento is already ended last season! :p I forgive you and I choose to be happy :) wishing u all the very best!

3. I am now a translator, just like what I've always dreamt of. Translated verbally and non verbally (incl. research too! - how exciting)

4. .......and so much things going on...

5. I am also teaching kids English every Sunday. and this is like another dream that come true..I basically love playing with the kids and learning as well. before I open up my free schools (one day soon -amen) this is my way to make little things happen before the HUGE ones!

6. I'm now a hijabi (since ramadhan 2012). alhamdulilllah!

7. Not the last one, but I just want you to know that I am currently in love. so much in love..with L(ife)! :)


dream big everyone - and of course act bigger!

thank you my dear @sindhukaton for this lovely birthday photo collage. mwa!

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