“Al-ummu madrasatul ula, idza a’dadtaha a’dadta sya’ban thayyibal aaraq"
Ibu adalah sekolah utama, bila engkau mempersiapkannya, maka engkau telah mempersiapkan generasi terbaik.
What crosses your mind when you read the quote above?
To me, those statement above, has stated very clearly of women's role in islam.
Sederhana, dan mulia.
Pernyataan sederhana tersebut jelas menggambarkan bagaimana islam memuliakan wanita.
Dalam islam, tidak disebutkan bahwa generasi terbaik akan hadir apabila wanita-wanita dalam islam menjadi wanita karir dan berpenghasilan tinggi. Melainkan wanita-wanita yang mempersiapkan diri untuk membesarkan generasi terbaik.
Dear sisters, I was once thought that with the knowledge that my parents have invested for me since I was little, I need to be a career woman.
"ya iyalah, nyokap bokap gue udah sekolahin gue tinggi-tinggi masa abis nikah cuman di rumah aja ngurusin anak sama suami, rugi dong.."
It was my point of view before I wore my hijab, around 1.5 years ago.
Sad fact, but I am happy and really, I didn't wish I was perfect. Perfectness will not make me learn, and thirst to seek for the beautiful knowledge of Allah. Alhamdulillaah ala kulli haal.
As the time goes by, I realise, the life is never be long, and no matter how successful a woman / man is, when she/he dies, here is the hadith that will remind us about the greatness to raise shalih/shalihah children.
Rasulullah Shalallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam bersabda : “Jika mati seorang manusia, maka putuslah amalnya kecuali 3 perkara :
- Shadaqah Jariyah
- Ilmu yang bermanfaat
- Anak sholeh yang mendoakan kedua orang tuanya”.
May Allah make us easy to complete half of our deen for those who haven't, and become parents who raise shalih/shalihah children for the love of Allah.
BarakAllahu feekum!
Love you for the sake of Allah,
BarakAllahu feekum!
Love you for the sake of Allah,
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