There are days where you dont want to talk, but write..

Mainly written in two lingos (Bahasa & English).

Ps. my apologies if there is any spelling or grammatical error.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Dudes, open your eyes!

Sometimes, what women want is your presence. Neither diamonds nor money..

Kalau ada beberapa pria yang menganggap wanita butuh dirinya semata-mata untuk materi. Saya harus bilang itu salah besar.

Kadang, ada disaat dibutuhkan, just-your-presence, nilainya jauh lebih berharga daripada uang maupun berlian.

Dan pergi sama wanita itu nggak harus ke tempat yang fancy, classy dan expensy-(ve)..

If you like to cook, cook for her. That worth more than those classy restos or bistros.

Beberapa pria masih saja beranggapan bahwa semua wanita itu sama. Dudes, open your eyes!

Don't forget to appreciate others.
Say "thank you" or "sorry" *this you have to mean it* when needed..


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