"Dear lovely friends,
As you may know my musician Uncle Wintolo in Yogyakarta, Indonesia is very sick. He is having dialysis treatments every week as he has failling kidneys (AU$250 per week, until we find a kidney for a transplant, which is super expensive in Java). His three daughters (our cousins) and I have brainstormed with ideas to raise funds.
I have organised a fundraising concert at this nice warehouse in St Peters and have huge support from my artist friends and family. Check out the line up below!
The performers are donating their time and creative energy to put on a very entertaining show. The show will be an explorations of our identity, bringing awareness to what it means to be an Indonesian/Australian through visual arts, film, music and dance.
Also pass this on to your friends! Your support will be greatly appreciated, Thank you!
ASYIK was successfully organised by Kartini Suharto-Martin and friends. Thumbs up!!
I danced two Indonesian dances; Tari (means Dance in Bahasa) Batik from Solo and Tari Aceh. But could not manage to get any picture in Tari Aceh's costume.
The (Tari Batik) dancers :
We had so much fun that night! And was so happy when Kartini's Mum announced the money they raised that night. It was approximately A$3,700.00.Such a nigh to remember!
I hope Uncle Wintolo soul's lifted although he was hospitalised. Get well soon, Uncle!
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